Group statistics, source level

Here we analyze beamforming results for 25 subjects. Power was computed for each virtual sensor for the M170 window pow=mean(timecourse.*timecourse); the data was then interpolated over the template MRI.


Load data and display raw data

the files to be loaded are output of ft_sourcegrandaverage, after masking voxels outside the brain.

cd amb
load domMskdp
load subMskdp
load ~/ft_BIU/matlab/LCMV/sMRI
cfg = [];
cfg.funparameter = 'avg.pow';
the input is volume data with dimensions [91 109 91]
not downsampling anatomy
not downsampling avg.pow
the call to "ft_volumedownsample" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
no masking parameter
voxel 312540, indices [46 56 32], location [0.0 -16.0 -10.0] mm, value 0.054797
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
nas = undefined
lpa = undefined
rpa = undefined
the call to "ft_sourceplot" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB

ans = 

           funparameter: 'avg.pow'
                 method: 'ortho'
            trackconfig: 'off'
            checkconfig: 'loose'
              checksize: 100000
           showcallinfo: 'yes'
          maskparameter: {}
             downsample: 1
                  title: ''
                  atlas: []
                 marker: []
             markersize: 5
            markercolor: [1 1 1]
           anaparameter: 'anatomy'
            funcolormap: [64x3 double]
            funcolorlim: 'zeromax'
             opacitymap: [1x64 double]
             opacitylim: 'auto'
                    roi: []
               location: 'auto'
    locationcoordinates: 'head'
              crosshair: 'yes'
               colorbar: 'yes'
                   axis: 'on'
            interactive: 'no'
             queryrange: 3
               coordsys: []
                  units: []
                nslices: 20
               slicedim: 3
             slicerange: 'auto'
         surfdownsample: 1
               surffile: 'single_subj_T1.mat'
           surfinflated: []
           sphereradius: []
                projvec: 1
             projweight: 1
               projcomb: 'mean'
             projthresh: []
                distmat: []
               camlight: 'yes'
               renderer: 'opengl'
               callinfo: [1x1 struct]
                version: [1x1 struct]
               previous: [1x1 struct]

Neural Activity Index (NAI), compute subordinate to dominant ratio

cfg.funparameter = 'avg.nai';
%cfg.interactive = 'yes';
cfg.location=[55 -15 10]
cfg.funcolorlim=[0 4];
cfg = 

    funparameter: 'avg.nai'
          method: 'ortho'
        location: [55 -15 10]

the input is volume data with dimensions [91 109 91]
not downsampling anatomy
not downsampling avg.nai
the call to "ft_volumedownsample" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
no masking parameter
voxel 411794, indices [19 57 42], location [54.0 -14.0 10.0] mm, value 0.660093
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
nas = undefined
lpa = undefined
rpa = undefined
the call to "ft_sourceplot" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB

ans = 

           funparameter: 'avg.nai'
                 method: 'ortho'
               location: [55 -15 10]
            funcolorlim: [0 4]
            trackconfig: 'off'
            checkconfig: 'loose'
              checksize: 100000
           showcallinfo: 'yes'
          maskparameter: {}
             downsample: 1
                  title: ''
                  atlas: []
                 marker: []
             markersize: 5
            markercolor: [1 1 1]
           anaparameter: 'anatomy'
            funcolormap: [64x3 double]
             opacitymap: [1x64 double]
             opacitylim: 'auto'
                    roi: []
    locationcoordinates: 'head'
              crosshair: 'yes'
               colorbar: 'yes'
                   axis: 'on'
            interactive: 'no'
             queryrange: 3
               coordsys: []
                  units: []
                nslices: 20
               slicedim: 3
             slicerange: 'auto'
         surfdownsample: 1
               surffile: 'single_subj_T1.mat'
           surfinflated: []
           sphereradius: []
                projvec: 1
             projweight: 1
               projcomb: 'mean'
             projthresh: []
                distmat: []
               camlight: 'yes'
               renderer: 'opengl'
               callinfo: [1x1 struct]
                version: [1x1 struct]
               previous: [1x1 struct]

t-test for selected voxels

voxind=312631; %center of head
for subji=1:25

voxind=361828; %right temporal
for subji=1:25
h =


p =


h =


p =


cluster based permutation statistics

cfg.dim = subMskdp.dim;
cfg.method      = 'montecarlo';
cfg.statistic   = 'depsamplesT';
cfg.parameter   = 'pow';
cfg.correctm    = 'cluster'; %  'no', 'max', 'cluster', 'bonferoni', 'holms', 'fdr'
cfg.numrandomization = 500;
cfg.alpha       = 0.05
cfg.clusteralpha= 0.05;
cfg.tail        = 0;,:) = [1:25 1:25];,:) = [ones(1,25) ones(1,25)*2];
cfg.uvar        = 1; % row of design matrix that contains unit variable (in this case: subjects)
cfg.ivar        = 2; % row of design matrix that contains independent variable (the conditions)
stat = ft_sourcestatistics(cfg,subMskdp,domMskdp);
save Cl05_M170masked_S_Dstat stat
cfg = 

                 dim: [91 109 91]
              method: 'montecarlo'
           statistic: 'depsamplesT'
           parameter: 'pow'
            correctm: 'cluster'
    numrandomization: 500
               alpha: 0.0500

only selecting voxels inside the brain for statistics (28.0%)
using "statistics_montecarlo" for the statistical testing
Warning: doing a two-sided test without correcting p-values or alpha-level, p-values and alpha-level will
reflect one-sided tests per tail 
using "statfun_depsamplesT" for the single-sample statistics
constructing randomized design
total number of measurements     = 50
total number of variables        = 2
number of independent variables  = 1
number of unit variables         = 1
number of within-cell variables  = 0
number of control variables      = 0
using a permutation resampling approach
repeated measurement in variable 1 over 25 levels
number of repeated measurements in each level is 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 
computing a parametric threshold for clustering
computing statistic
estimated time per randomization is 0 seconds
computing statistic 1 from 500
computing statistic 2 from 500
computing statistic 498 from 500
computing statistic 499 from 500
computing statistic 500 from 500
found 4 positive clusters in observed data
found 0 negative clusters in observed data
computing clusters in randomization
computing clusters in randomization 1 from 500
computing clusters in randomization 2 from 500
computing clusters in randomization 497 from 500
computing clusters in randomization 498 from 500
computing clusters in randomization 499 from 500
computing clusters in randomization 500 from 500
using a cluster-based method for multiple comparison correction
the returned probabilities and the thresholded mask are corrected for multiple comparisons
the call to "ft_sourcestatistics" took 110 seconds and an estimated 1 MB

Plot the significant clusters

cfg = [];
cfg.funcolorlim = [lowlim 1];
cfg.interactive = 'yes';
cfg.funparameter = 'prob1';
cfg.maskparameter= 'mask';
cfg.location=[-20 -44 40];% wer= -50 -45 10 , broca= -50 25 0, fussiform = -42 -58 -11(cohen et al 2000), change x to positive for RH.
cfg = 

      funcolorlim: [0.9500 1]
      interactive: 'yes'
     funparameter: 'prob1'
    maskparameter: 'mask'
           method: 'ortho'
       inputcoord: 'mni'
            atlas: '~/ft_BIU/matlab/files/aal_MNI_V4.nii'
         coordsys: 'mni'
              roi: 'Frontal_Sup_L'

the input is volume data with dimensions [91 109 91]
not downsampling anatomy
not downsampling mask
not downsampling prob1
the call to "ft_volumedownsample" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
reading aal_MNI_V4 atlas coordinates and labels
Rescaling NIFTI: slope = 1, intercept = 0
the call to "ft_prepare_atlas" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
Warning: The field is forbidden, it will be removed from your configuration
Rescaling NIFTI: slope = 1, intercept = 0
the call to "ft_prepare_atlas" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
found 1 matching anatomical labels
constructing mask for Frontal_Sup_L
3599 voxels in mask, which is 0.399 % of total volume
the call to "ft_volumelookup" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB

click with mouse button to reposition the cursor
press n/l/r on keyboard to record a fiducial position
press q on keyboard to quit interactive mode
voxel 559251, indices [56 42 57], mni coordinates [-20.0 -44.0 40.0] mm, value 0.000000
aal_MNI_V4 labels: not found
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
nas = undefined
lpa = undefined
rpa = undefined

click with mouse button to reposition the cursor
press n/l/r on keyboard to record a fiducial position
press q on keyboard to quit interactive mode
voxel 563164, indices [56 85 57], mni coordinates [-20.0 42.0 40.0] mm, value 0.986028
aal_MNI_V4 labels: Frontal_Sup_L
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
the call to "ft_sourceplot" took 215 seconds and an estimated 0 MB

ROI mask

cfg.location=[-20 -44 40];% wer= -50 -45 10 , broca= -50 25 0, fussiform = -42 -58 -11(cohen et al 2000), change x to positive for RH.
cfg = 

      funcolorlim: [0.9500 1]
      interactive: 'yes'
     funparameter: 'prob1'
    maskparameter: 'mask'
           method: 'ortho'
       inputcoord: 'mni'
            atlas: '~/ft_BIU/matlab/files/aal_MNI_V4.nii'
         coordsys: 'mni'
              roi: 'Frontal_Sup_L'
         location: [-20 -44 40]

the input is volume data with dimensions [91 109 91]
not downsampling anatomy
not downsampling mask
not downsampling prob1
the call to "ft_volumedownsample" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
reading aal_MNI_V4 atlas coordinates and labels
Rescaling NIFTI: slope = 1, intercept = 0
the call to "ft_prepare_atlas" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
Warning: The field is forbidden, it will be removed from your configuration
Rescaling NIFTI: slope = 1, intercept = 0
the call to "ft_prepare_atlas" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB
found 1 matching anatomical labels
constructing mask for Frontal_Sup_L
3599 voxels in mask, which is 0.399 % of total volume
the call to "ft_volumelookup" took 0 seconds and an estimated 0 MB

click with mouse button to reposition the cursor
press n/l/r on keyboard to record a fiducial position
press q on keyboard to quit interactive mode
voxel 559251, indices [56 42 57], mni coordinates [-20.0 -44.0 40.0] mm, value 0.000000
aal_MNI_V4 labels: not found
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
nas = undefined
lpa = undefined
rpa = undefined

click with mouse button to reposition the cursor
press n/l/r on keyboard to record a fiducial position
press q on keyboard to quit interactive mode
voxel 563255, indices [56 86 57], mni coordinates [-20.0 44.0 40.0] mm, value 0.986028
aal_MNI_V4 labels: Frontal_Sup_L
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
scaling anatomy
the call to "ft_sourceplot" took 12 seconds and an estimated 0 MB

Plot t distribution + Atlas

%cfg.parameter = 'stat';

cfg.funcolorlim = [-3.5 3.5];
cfg.funparameter = 'stat';
Error using ==> rmfield at 40
A field named 'funcolorlim' doesn't exist.

Error in ==> course12 at 96

Change the cluster alpha

I arranged the stats and plots in a function. what we did so far is similar to this: [cfg1,probplot,cfg2,statplot]=ambMonteClust12('Cl05_M170masked_S_D','subMskdp','domMskdp',0.95,0.05); Now we change cluster criterion for 0.05 to 0.01.


Plot methods: ortho (transparancy added)

ambPlotStat12('Cl01_M170masked_S_D',[0.95 0.98],'ortho',60);

Plot methods: surface

ambPlotStat12('Cl01_M170masked_S_D',[0.95 0.98],'surface');

Plot methods: slice

ambPlotStat12('Cl01_M170masked_S_D',[0.95 0.98],'slice');

AFNI clustering and simulation

cd ../alpha
!~/abin/afni &